Die Wollkommode

- Die Wollkommode - DesignBlog

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Wenn schon nicht Stricken und Spinnen, dann doch

...zur Abwechslung ein Test, den ich bei Nicole entdeckt habe:

Your soul is bound to the Yellow Rose: The
Gentle. "I've travelled through the land of
surrender and seen it all. I throw my heart
out and keep my head up, and now I travel
through the land of peace."
The Yellow Rose is associated with friendship,
intuition, and fun. It is governed by the
goddess Hestia and its sign is The Intertwined
Rings, or True Friendship. As a Yellow Rose, you always look out for your
friends. You would much rather have strong
ties with friends than a single tie with a
lover and your devotion to your friends is
clear. You may have great intuition and be
able to read emotions clearly, but sometimes
you can seem distant yourself.

What Rose Is Your Soul Bound To?
brought to you by Quizilla

Anmerkung:  Gelbe Rosen sind meine Lieblingsblumen!

Wollkommode 13.01.2004, 09.57

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