Die Wollkommode

- Die Wollkommode - DesignBlog

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You are the blue moonlight. You are peaceful and
serene, kind and loving. Your heart never
stears you wrong. You let out uncertainess with
tears, and you let out fear with light. The
blue light means distance. You are afraid to
get to close to people. You have been betrayed
once before and can't do it again. Your dream
job could consist of a counsler or a traveler.
You love humanity and lonliness. You will have
love in your life and will never pass by
unnoticed. Your beauty attracts many, but your
personality is rare. The uniqness in your mind
will always separate you. You can always find
yourself lingering near the ocean, thinking
about life. Your head seema to be up in the
clouds, though you body is down omn Earth. You
change and each time come back a better person.
The blue moonliht will always guide to safety
in the darkest hour.

What shade of moonlight are you? (Boys or Girls)
brought to you by Quizilla

Wollkommode 16.02.2004, 09.25

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Ich kopiere keinerlei Anleitung und verschicke sie, weder per Post, noch via mail!
Auch nicht, wenn mir die Kopier/Portokosten ersetzt werden.

- zur Zeit kein Langzeitprojekt in Arbeit


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- Multicolormerino (S) 1,5 kg
- Space (S) 1,5 kg
- Galaxy (S) 1,5 kg
- Bonbonwolle (S) 1,25 kg
- Maulbeermerino (S) 0,29 kg

Unterstelle nie Bösartigkeit,
wo Dummheit als Erklärung ausreicht.